Android Development
- 1 minIntro:
Android Development was on my bucketlist since the first year of my undergrad. Winter's here and I decided to confront it through Android App Development. The project was based on a problem I faced regularly and I decided to solve it till eternity. While reading books or content online, I came across words I am not acquainted to and though I had tried enhancing my literary skills through Python Scripts to scrape Merriam Webster's page, the solution wasn't helping me much. "Pic Def" on the other hand, provides a one-stop solution for this.
How I solved the problem:
A modest app that takes a snapshot of word or text , uses Google Vision API to detect the text and finally obtains the definition harnessing the power of Oxford API. Through Android Development, I came across XML, concept of threading and the underlying technical principles behind it.
You can find the source code in my repository
What’s next:
I feel, there's a lot more to work on the app. I want to implement Retrofit and other libraries like RxAndroid and RxJava, thereby, easing the menial job of HTTPRequests and porting to a faster alternative.